Tuesday 30 August 2016


    When I was in school , my favourite teacher who happened to teach us English insisted that we read newspaper daily, to be specific, the editorial page. At home we used to get The Tribune and The Indian Express. But i had my favourites in newspapers as well and Tribune remains my favourite till date. Comprehending the writings of 'think tanks' was an onerous task nevertheless, being a sincere student i opened that page daily and looked for things that could interest me and eventually i took a liking to the writings of Mr. Harish Dhillon. He used to be the principal of a renowned school and he made a wee bit sense to me. Henceforth, began my habit of reading other than school books on daily basis. My grandfather used to stay with us and he was such a voracious reader of newspapers. Every day he would spend couple of hours with each newspaper. Sometimes it seemed to me that newspapers were his intimate companions and he was most contented, calm, composed and considerably happy in its company. If I attribute the inculcation of my reading habit to my English teacher, I attribute my knowledge of vocabulary  solely to my grandfather. Although I was more than sure that my grandfather knew the meaning of each and every word in every possible dictionary by heart, yet he would insist that I look up the meaning of difficult words in the dictionary myself, because according to his logic, if i put in effort to look up, the effort will keep on reminding the purpose and therefore I shall never forget the meaning. Wonder what his logic would have been for all those dictionary apps that believe in only making our lives easier. Touch and read. 

    Holiday homework, which in those days seemed like one of the most cruel inventions ever, instructed us, among other tasks, to write down any ten interesting news-headlines daily. Something which seemed to be an utterly futile process then, contributed a great deal in developing my interest in politics later. My grandfather was obsessed with the idea of death and I had heard him discuss it often with hia peers. His other passion was writings of Khushwant Singh which led me to read his articles and eventually I used to look forward keenly to his musings in sunday editions. Till date Khuswant Singh remains my favourite author. When I joined college, like any college going girl I too had my share of crushes and the biggest of them all was my crush on the cricketer Imran Khan thanks to the sports page which remained my favourite page for a long time. 

     Let me also mention that one of my college teachers introduced me to The Hindu. I was 'attracted' to this newspaper because it's tuesday edition carried a small column named "Know your English." The scrap book made out of the cuttings related to this column still remains my most valuable belonging till date. Gradually, newspaper reading became quite an addiction and remains one till date despite the fact that Twitter renders all the news stale these days. Newspapers have evolved a great deal over the years, page long and full page advertisements take up most of the space these days. One thing that has remained the same throughout these years is the obituary column. My obsession with these columns started when my own grandfather's obituary was published in the newspaper. How much this small obit revealed about his life was just amazing. The message conveyed that he had lived a full and fruitful life flanked by his four loving children and many grandchildren, though he stayed with us only throughout. His picture showed how youthful and handsome and happy he had been once.  This column is my only favourite column these days. I can spend hours looking at the pics of those dead. Some smiling, some laughing, some grim, some old, some young, making me wonder what made their near ones chose this particular picture for the final tribute. Sometimes while taking a selfie a thought crosses my mind what if this pic becomes a means of final goodbye and I smile harder. The size of the picture amazes me as well making me think whether a bigger picture implies bigger love or bigger social status? The loving messages attributed to the dead, the details of the family, details of the occupation, home address--doesn't a mere obit tell us all about the life once lived? Is it truly a measure of life?

     For some, obituary may be a plain show off, for me it will always remain a tribute of love by the loved ones. I've no idea whether my obit will feature in the newspaper but I certainly would want to be missed after my death.


  1. Well written. Compliments to the writer

  2. Very well written. Expression is too good...The article has a very deep meaning..... Congratulations to the writer

  3. 👏👏👏👏.very very impressive.

  4. Very well written... The subject is so unique and interesting,I have never come across any piece of writing dealing so beautifully and in depth meaning to Obituaries..congratulations to the writer.

  5. Very well written... The subject is so unique and interesting,I have never come across any piece of writing dealing so beautifully and in depth meaning to Obituaries..congratulations to the writer.

  6. I Like the fact that Mr Garry Singhcomments on your posts regularly and praises your posts. They are good... but he must be very fond of your writing style.... (tee heeee.😈😈😈)
    PS I love your pictures too.

  7. Sadly with the onslaught of smart phones...the dedication to newspapers has decreased. But I still go through the papers daily..it's a ritual ...and I do so like reading the obits.... thats why I make sure the smile and lipper is on in every pic too. Good post...😍😍😍😍

  8. I like a well constructed viewpoint. This is a fine one. I wouldn't subscribe to the thoughts at the end, but as far as the writing is concerned, I loved it. Do keep writing more.

  9. Your blog makes me travel to the nostalgia far outlived! When emotions were pure and every instance had its own divinity and magic! The years long gone, the set of people departed! Keep up the good work! Keep scribbling the etchings of your soul! All the best!

  10. Yes, this was so when I was a kid. Being an Army kid it was drilled into us (me and my elder brother)to read the newspaper daily after we came home from school. Dad, may his Soul rest in peace, used to ask us questions and God save us if we went wrong. This has held me in good stead making my foundations of English language and as well as GK very strong. A well written article by Ms Andaaz. And, yes The Tribune is one of my favourite news dailies still. Hats off Andaaz.

  11. Lovely post, thanks!

    - Does it matter.

  12. The content nice. The style of writing excellent. Keep it up. Warm regards.

  13. Trip down memory lane .. newspapers, magazines and radios were companions in digital "dark" ( no internet no TV No mobile) age. Elderly wisely counselled reading edit eco & sports pages first. One reason why that generation was far more aware than todays.
    Khushwant Singhs illustrated weekly ..with his column " Malice " ��
    Readers Digest ..& ofcourse Time
    Guess love of reading & assimilation was nurtured then
    Thanks for trip down memory lane

  14. Very well written. Shows the great bond you had with your grandfather, and completely loved the way the article was concluded.

  15. Very well written what a perspective towards...life and afte life....

  16. Very well written what a perspective towards...life and afte life....

  17. A trip down nostalgia for many...well-expressed. And i love your thoughts on obituaries!

  18. What a refreshingly different read, a journey encapsulated so beautifully. Ever so often similar thoughts flow through my mind too when I scan the obituary column.

  19. Very interesting and well put. Looking forward to many more.....

  20. Beautiful article
    All students must read to know what newspaper has, which technology can't replace

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I totally relate with your points and totally enjoyed reading it. Loved the expression, keep writing.

  23. Even I tried to learn Vocabulary from you back then, So proud to read your blog. Love what you do and do what you love , keep writing.

  24. This is indeed beautifully written. Loved your style of writing. Simple and in easy flow..

  25. Beautifully expressed ....how to inculcate reading habit at a young age and thereafter moving on to the larger picture of life itself ....death which most of us avoid writing/ discussing about !!! Reading obituaries reminds one of his own voyage in life and with each passing day we are reaching the destination !!! Kudos to your writing!!Jay Ess

  26. Very well written. ....following.....keep writing

  27. Very well written. ....following.....keep writing

  28. An excellent piece Andaaz ! seriously recommend you publish these gems in a collective book. Keep it up

  29. Hey that's a beautiful weave of thoughts, put into such flow of words that it seems to be so familiar to relate with.
    And dear Tirbune, it's middle,editorial is my favourite too.

  30. Excellent.I really loved reading it.
    Lucy Mammen

  31. Excellent. keep on writing. ..wait for next edition

  32. स्मरण के संस्मरण की साहित्य में अपनी अलग ही जगह होती है ! भाव, तारतम्यता, प्रवाह और बाँधे रखने की अनूठी क्षमता बहुत कम आलेखों में होती है ! आज आपके आलेख को पढ़कर मैं भी अख़बारों से घिरे अपने बचपन में था, संयुक्त परिवार में हमारे चाचा एक नामचीन अख़बारनवीस थे , इसलिए अख़बार , पत्रिकाओं से मिलते, उलझते हम बढ़े हुए ! किसी खास दिन किसी खास कालम के इतंजार का मजा शब्दों मे बयान नहीं कर सकता ! हाकर वाले चाचा/ भईया सुबह देवदूत से कम नहीं होते थे जब क्रमश: से आगे की कहानी पढ़नी होती थी या किसी ओपीयन सर्वे में आप छपने वाले होते थे ! आपका संस्मरण अपने उद्देश्य में बख़ूबी कामयाब रहा... बहुत बधाई, लेखनी की सशक्तीकरण की कामना करता हूँ !
    सब अच्छा कहना हमेशा ठीक नहीं होता, इसलिए एक निन्दक की भूमिका में ये कहता चलूँ की श्रधांजली/पुण्य स्मृति वाले कालम की चर्चा जिस अंदाज में आपने की उसमें नकारात्मक स्पष्ट है, उदासी टपक रही है.. तस्वीर का दुसरा रूख भी हो सकता है, प्रयास करिए ! स्वाभाविक है आपकी कलम उसे नकारात्मकता के बोझ से बचाएँ !
