Friday 2 September 2016


     I know many have written about it and many have openly discussed it, but it still remains a taboo in our society. People judge you, shun you, disregard you and even look at you with an eye of suspicion the moment they get to know that you are a patient of depression. DEPRESSION. There I said it, finally. They say depression is a disease of the mind, I would like to put it as an unnecessary battling with self. With much reluctance and hesitation, today I decide to get over with unnecessary guilt and am ready to share my journey into and out of depression. Though I can relate to and feel deeply for every patient of depression, but I also know that it is an individual fight, nobody can help if one is not able to help self. 
     Depression or darkness befriended me in a most wicked manner. It steadily and stealthily started wrecking havoc on my mood. And I still didn't suspect anything. From being a frequent visitor to gradually turning into my constant companion, it eventually had me in its grips absolutely. My life changed for the worst. It slowly started sucking out all the joy, enthusiasm, positivity, contentment, and confidence replacing it with utter hopelessness and sheer despondence. I recoiled into my shell and slammed the door with a bang on the rest of the world. I was absolutely clueless of the machinations of depression. Depression was poisoning my mind. My mind completely lost the ability to see any good in anything and started seeking great pleasures in sorrow, grief, unhappiness and sadness. It seemed as if I was carrying a huge boulder, the weight of which made me sink deeper and deeper into an abyss. I was in a state of perpetual lethargy and devoid of any spirits. I felt deprived and disadvantaged. I have no idea what was I mourning about. The only thing I had in plenty were my tears. Unbidden tears. Without any rhyme or reason they would flood my eyes, my life. I was nurturing an anger inside me, an anger that was self directed. I was miserable and my family was subjected to passive depression because of me. This continued for a while, my family was convinced that this was a temporary phase and they kept wishing it would get over of its own accord. I lost my friends, resigned from my job....I lost LIFE. I had become an absolute slave to my mind that fed me with negative thoughts only.

     It was very difficult for my family to accept that I needed help for something they dismissed as a temporary phase, which was actually chronic depression. They even  went to the extent of blaming themselves for my plight. 

     My first psychiatrist hardly talked to me, but observed everything about me, from the way I walked, talked and conducted myself. I still remember he had written in bold that I refused to make eye contact.  Was it a sign of depression? The medicines he prescribed induced a dreamless sleep. At least I was at peace while sleeping. All I did was to eat and sleep. It was heartbreaking for my family to see my life withering away. Someone suggested that I see a leading psychiatrist in Delhi. I would love to mention my tryst with him. He charged a bomb in the name of consultation fee, gave appointment after a week, made us wait for three hours, finally sending a junior doctor who conducted a harrowing and extensive interview session for close to two hours before I was led to the actual doctor I had sought appointment with. The first thing he asked me,"What can I do for you?" I lost all faith in him there and then only. I still wonder why. Anyway, he prescribed a series of psychoanalytical tests that according to him were the pre requisite for starting my treatment. I could take these three day long gruelling tests or trade the money for buying two high end Satya Paul Sarees. That day I learnt a lot about five star commercial doctors. 

To be Continued.....


  1. Takes guts to accept this and write about it. Kudos to u. Waiting for the next part.

  2. Courageous come to terms with ur ownself...looking forward to the continuation...I am glad u r writing about it

  3. Courageous come to terms with ur ownself...looking forward to the continuation...I am glad u r writing about it

  4. Waiting for the continuation. ......Loved reading it though I am not fond of reading. Keep writing �� �� �� ��

  5. Waiting for the continuation. ......Loved reading it though I am not fond of reading. Keep writing �� �� �� ��

  6. Majority of us have gone through depression at some stage of our life but we never confessed. We never wanted to admit to our friends, family and ourselves that we are mentally unstable. However, this is courageous, depression isn't a sign of inferiority and talking to someone might be incredibly beneficial. What is tough is to admit it to yourself and here you did it. Thereafter no stopping. Lady with every writing of yours i relate more and more with you. Similar experiences, similar thoughts but never able to pen them so aptly. Go on... am all eyes :)

  7. I doubt how many would in the first place come up with such posts n acceptance are brave
    It takes guts n great efforts to accept n tell the world ...which in the first proves u r definitely now out of it...
    Some cry n worst r those who can't even cry as their tears hav dried

  8. I've learnt that talking to your friends is the best therapy. Medicines are freaking handcuffs. They tend to levitate you but don't maintain the state.
    Depression is not a completely bad thing. It makes you organised. Something like a speed governor.
    I've been depressed often in life. Somehow tend to drag myself out of the Abyss time and again.

  9. I've learnt that talking to your friends is the best therapy. Medicines are freaking handcuffs. They tend to levitate you but don't maintain the state.
    Depression is not a completely bad thing. It makes you organised. Something like a speed governor.
    I've been depressed often in life. Somehow tend to drag myself out of the Abyss time and again.

  10. My brave friend! Kudos!need guts to accept it n write about it!huggs!

  11. Absolutely nailed it!! Bravo!! Wishing you all the best in life......

  12. Kudos waiting for the are a brave girl.keep up your good work.

  13. Real life experience or a fiction piece. Either way written brilliantly and in a simple to comprehend language. Bravo, waiting for Part II.

  14. Real life experience or a fiction piece. Either way written brilliantly and in a simple to comprehend language. Bravo, waiting for Part II.

  15. It takes courage to make public ones greatest problems especially those that generate negativity. What we in India have not understood yet is that depression is a serious medical problem and needs to be addressed with equal seriousness and proper medication. I think you also need the right environment around you to convert negativity into positivity. I'm not a psychiatrist so cannot comment authoritatively but you need to recognise your own talents and intelligence. Giving up exhilarating and well paid jobs which you enjoyed couldn't have helped. So get hold of yourself, pick yourself up and focus on what you do best.... as I can see writing is your forte so convert that talent into a passion. I am sure you have people who will support you in your work and happiness. All the best Andaaz.

  16. Hello. :) Incredibly you've described the pitfalls of mind and the process of treatment. By your blog, you gave me courage to express my own battle with Depression (which I just did back there!). I hope you and I, and lots of other sufferers successfully battle this menace to its end. Hope to read positive reports on your therapy. :)) Bye!

  17. Bravo girl! Waiting eagerly for second part :*

  18. Very well expressed. I am fortunate to read such good write up.

  19. You have touched an extremely sensitive issue which is more of a taboo.Most f us face low phase in life but feel hesitant to share it even with our near n dear ones.Kudddos!You r bold enough to share your experiences on social media.You are definitely an inspiration to many ppl.You have given confidence to fight n over come this so called enemy of inner peace....Talking to someone close to you can definitely change one's perspective to life.We need at least one close friend for deep conversations,conversations involving souls.That's the best cure to say good bye to depressions.....Waiting for the next series of the daily blog.Cheers!!

  20. You have touched an extremely sensitive issue which is more of a taboo.Most f us face low phase in life but feel hesitant to share it even with our near n dear ones.Kudddos!You r bold enough to share your experiences on social media.You are definitely an inspiration to many ppl.You have given confidence to fight n over come this so called enemy of inner peace....Talking to someone close to you can definitely change one's perspective to life.We need at least one close friend for deep conversations,conversations involving souls.That's the best cure to say good bye to depressions.....Waiting for the next series of the daily blog.Cheers!!

  21. "There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.”
    Suffering from depression may sound like a trifle matter but experts say it can be a matter of great concern if not identified. The great thing about you is, you have not only identified it (and approached an expert too) but can actually write about it. That's the Awakening!
    Sharing a link that may interest you,
    Take care and shine on!

  22. Very interesting. Had me engaged right till the end. Your writing evokes vivid images. Brave and honest. Can hardly wait for the continuation!

  23. You come across as such a strong and positive person...I could never have guaged. Positive and courageous indeed, it's never easy to admit to an affliction like depression. But by the grace of have strong family ties and a supporting network of friends. So look at the light at tge end. Me ,I believe that depression is part of the package deal of being human. You just have to trudge along. Take my only a baker can say..when life gives you lemons , make a chocolate cake. And dance for joy when everyone wonders how you managed to do it.

  24. Very well expressed. I am fortunate to read such good write up.

  25. Takes guts to say it. You are a lot stronger than you believe.

    Sometimes you believes life has not given you what you deserve, and that feeling can spin out of control.

    Keep sharing, keep smiling...

  26. Beautifully penned down thoughts of a fragile state of mind, which many of us go through, upto varying extents. Awaiting the second part

  27. इस भागदौड़ चकाचौंध भरी दुनिया में माया, मोह का प्रताप इतना प्रचंड होता है कि अदना इंसान इस जीवन यात्रा में कभी न कभी कमज़ोर पड़ ही जाता है ! कुछ स्वयं को मुश्किल से निकाल लेते हैं, कुछ किसी के सहारे बाहर आ जाते हैं, पर कुछ इतने ख़ुशक़िस्मत नहीं होते...
    अपनी कमज़ोरी की सार्वजनिक अभिव्यक्ति,असाधारण हिम्मत व मजबूत पारिवारिक बुनियाद के वजह से ही हो पाता है !
    आपको नई उमंग, नई उर्जा , अनन्य शक्ति की बधाई देता हूँ ! लेखनी का कमाल तो आप हमेशा करती हैं, आज इन श्रृंखला बद्ध आलेखों से आप ने भावनाओं से भावाभूत कर अनेकों लोगों को अपनी आपबीती से रूबरू करा दिया !
    बीती हमारी भी कुछ अजीब है पर अपने साये का साथ लिए चलते जा रहे हैं..देखते हैं कब खुलकर कह पाएेगें !
    एक और बेहतरीन प्रयास के लिए बहुत बधाई !

  28. The acceptance of one's condition and need for treatment , is already a step forward to one's therapy, these hidden ailments are more tormenting than physical ones. You writing prowess is therapeutic for many who suffer similarly, through this you are contributing towards the cause which many avoid to vocalise. Thanks for sharing dear
